Ovulation IQ: How to Know If & When You are Ovulating? Some Important Things to Know About Ovulation!

  • What is Ovulation & Why is it significant for pregnancy?
  • When does Ovulation occur?
  • When is the most fertile period?
  • Signs of Ovulation
  • Does having intercourse during ovulation guarantee pregnancy?
  • Can you conceive outside of the days that you are ovulating?
  • Trying to Get Pregnant?

Pregnancy, giving birth to a child completes womanhood as well as parenthood, but for many couples, conception is not always that easy in fact, there are numerous factors that go into successful conception. 

Conception is all about getting the right sperm to the viable egg at the ideal conditions and at the right time. Ovulation is key to the process. If you have been trying to get pregnant, you might have heard or read about ovulation. There are so many myths & misconceptions floating around about this crucial process. 

And how much do you know about ovulation? Here are some basics every woman should know: 

What is Ovulation & Why is it significant for pregnancy?

Ovulation is the time in a female’s menstrual cycle when an egg is released from the ovary & is available to be fertilized. Once the egg gets released, it has between 12 and 24 hours to be fertilized.

During ovulation, the oocyte travels from the ovaries down the fallopian tubes and reaches the uterus. If it gets fertilized by the sperm in that 12-24 hours life span, the egg would implant in the uterine lining, if not the egg disintegrates and be shed along with the rest of the uterine tissue with your next period.

When does Ovulation occur?

It depends, ovulation generally occurs 2 weeks before the period begins. The cycles are just counted from the 1st day of menses, which is day-1, until the last day before the next menstrual cycle begins. It is normal to have some difference in the length of your menstrual cycle, which means that the timing of ovulation could vary as well. 

For instance: A woman with a regular 28-day menstrual cycle, ovulation will typically occur around day-14 of the cycle. Likewise, a female with a 35-day cycle can expect her ovulation to happen on or about day-21.

This diagram shows an average 28-day cycle where the ovulation happens on the 14th day and your most fertile period (fertile window) would be between day 11- day 15. And some women’s cycles may be shorter or longer. 

The below chart shows the most fertile days for various menstrual cycles.

Length of cycle   Ovulation day   Most fertile period
35 days Around day-21  Days 19, 20, and 21
32 days Around day-18  Days 16, 17 to 18
28 days Around day-14  Days 12, 13, and 14
24 days Around day-10  Days 8, 9 and 10
21 days Around day-7  Days 5, 6 and 7

When is the most fertile period?

During Ovulation—it’s the prime time for conception! A woman’s fertile window is the days that are leading up to and just after ovulation, and this period of time can last anywhere from 3-7days depending on various factors. 

Signs of Ovulation 

The best way to keep track of your ovulation is to keep track of your menstrual cycle. The body sends multiple ovulation signals, but tuning into those signs could take a bit of practice. While some signs are easy to notice where others need keen observation. 

Here are some common signs that a woman could notice:

  • Elevated basal body temperature 
  • Change in the cervical mucus 
  • Breast tenderness
  • Ovulation pain 
  • Change in the colour or consistency of vaginal discharge 
  • Spotting or cramping 
  • Bloating 
  • A heightened sense of smell or Increased arousal

Remember that ovulation symptoms will vary from woman to woman, so you might experience some or none of the signs of ovulation. 

Does having intercourse during ovulation guarantee pregnancy?

Not merely. While your chances of conception are highest during ovulation, it doesn’t guarantee a pregnancy. If you have been trying to get pregnant for 1 year but have not yet conceived, make an appointment with your OB/Gynecologist or fertility specialist for screening and to discuss how to increase your chances of conception and fertility treatment options. 

If your age is 35 or older or you have a history of irregular periods or have health problems such as PCOS-Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, make an appointment with a fertility specialist after 6 months of trying without success.

Can you conceive outside of the days that you are ovulating?

Your chances of getting pregnant remain higher during ovulation, but you can conceive right after your period (in your luteal phase), even if you are not ovulating. That is because sperm can survive up to five days if it is trapped in fertile cervical mucus.

Trying to Get Pregnant?

If you are planning for a pregnancy, one of the best things you could do to improve your chances of conception is to make your health a priority. A preconception screening and counseling with the fertility expert or OB/GYN can aid you to determine if you need to make lifestyle changes, also when to go off birth control, and much more. 

MotherToBe clinical team of fertility specialists, fertility nutrition experts, and professional counselors can review your medical history and make required additional recommendations to give the best prenatal care you need. We also offer effective fertility treatments (if required) using the latest cutting-edge ART technologies where we ensure you the best possibility for conception.

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