9 Things you need to do before Starting IVF

First-time IVF success – it’s what everybody is after! In the last couple of years, the technology for freezing embryos has enhanced significantly. Survival rates upon thawing have never been more elevated, and pregnancy rates with frozen embryos have soared. We now have evidence that the chance for first-time IVF success with a frozen embryo is better than with a fresh embryo.
This is because the embryos are practically the same with these advanced freezing methods, whether fresh or frozen. The difference is in the uterus. When you stimulate the ovaries in a fresh cycle, changes in the uterus may impede implantation. These changes are more efficiently controlled on a frozen embryo transfer cycle.
Scientific advances in IVF are causing rapid changes in how IVF is performed. To provide the highest chance for an IVF pregnancy, the following things are what you need to focus on prior to starting your IVF journey.
9 Things you Need to Do Before Starting IVF
You must know of the fertility factors that play a role in your case. This is important because if there is something that you could possibly do to improve your chances, it is something you would undoubtedly want to know before your IVF cycle.
Other than that, here are the 9 key things that you need to do before you start with IVF:
1. Have the Relationship Talk:
IVF can often be an emotionally challenging process and can lead to many upheavals within a relationship. Unsuccessful IVF attempts can also impact your relationship with your partner adversely.
Therefore, before you decide to take the plunge, it is important to have that talk with your partner. If things do not go as planned, have a support system in place that get the help you navigate through it.
2. Uterine Cavity Evaluation:
There are three ways to evaluate the uterine cavity:
- Saline Ultrasound
- Hysteroscopy
Only hysteroscopy lets you look for inflammation of the uterine lining. This is called Chronic Endometritis. This has been associated with IVF implantation failure. Diagnosing and treating it prior to embryo transfer can improve your chance of a successful IVF attempt.
3. Understand that Pregnancy is not Easy:
Pregnancy is not always easy, and so when you have had a hard struggle to get pregnant, many women feel guilty about complaining about pregnancy. They feel guilty about their morning sickness, body aches, and all the other awful things that, sadly, are very much a part of being pregnant. Pregnancy is not always enjoyable for a lot of people.
So, most of the time, the depression and anxiety that patients feel while going through the IVF treatment can carry into their pregnancy.
4. Boost Sperm Health:
Before beginning your IVF process, help your partner build his sperm health. You can take professional guidance from your nutrition and fitness experts. Perhaps, a male fertility supplement can also help boost sperm health and overall production.
Take your fertility specialist into confidence prior to taking any medication.
5. Having a Plan for Unused Embryos:
Before starting an IVF treatment, it is always good to know how many children you want and what you plan to do with the unused embryos. When beginning an IVF process, couples are often just happy to have one child. But as fertility experts have pointed out many times, patients end up with extra embryos. How they feel about those embryos can change over time, so it is good to have a plan ready.
6. Prepare to Deal with Postpartum Depression
The feelings of anxiety and depression that women feel while trying to get pregnant and frequently, after getting pregnant, can persist even after delivery. Even if you go through IVF treatment and it does not work, depression and anxiety can last. It is best to consult a therapist to ensure your continued mental and emotional wellbeing.
Patience and Persistence Pays Off
Needless to say, IVF can be a long drawn journey. You may have to go through multiple attempts to achieve a healthy pregnancy Therefore, remaining patient and persistent is the key.
To know more about IVF treatments, it is important that you consult with a fertility expert. if IVF is the right treatment option for your needs, feel free to schedule an appointment with Dr Vyjayanthi, Clinician in Charge at MotherToBe, a top fertility centre in Hyderabad. During the consultation, we will discuss your personal struggles with getting pregnant whilst evaluating you as a candidate for fertility treatment. If you live in and around Hyderabad and are keen to know more about IVF treatments, be sure to contact MotherToBe’s team of fertility specialists who can ensure that your dream of starting your family can soon become a reality.