Foods to Eat & Foods to Avoid During IVF Treatment

If you are over 35 and undergoing IVF treatment, reports suggest that there is a 40% chance of you getting pregnant. This dramatically reduces to 12% if you cross 40.
When it comes to achieving a successful IVF, age is not the only factor that plays a critical role. Diet and lifestyle are equally important.
There are foods that can help in the treatment and those which can hinder it. Therefore, knowing what will work in your favour and what won’t, is an absolute must.
What Are the Best Foods to Eat During IVF Treatment?
The key to a successful IVF treatment lies in consuming a balanced and nutrient heavy diet. You can include the following if you too are undergoing IVF treatment:
Folic Acid: Folate or folic acid is one of the core building blocks of a healthy conception as it minimises risks of underdevelopment in the baby during the term of the pregnancy.
Calcium: Intakes of calcium helps to reduce the possibility of preterm birth, pre-eclampsia, and even breast milk concentration.
Magnesium: Women during IVF treatment need magnesium. Moreover, hormonal imbalance can occur during pregnancy as a result of which excessive discharge of the magnesium via urine can happen. Therefore, including magnesium in the diet is an absolute must.
Iron: Iron intake is critical during pregnancy as it contributes to the development of the placenta and the healthy growth of the fetus.
Zinc: Pregnant women need to take 12 gms of zinc in their diet as it boosts DNA and cell production in the fetus.
Healthy fats: Omega-3 fatty acids is one the healthy fats that take care of the mother’s heart during the term of the pregnancy. It also plays a vital role in the baby’s brain and vision development.
Protein-rich foods: For muscle and tissue repair in the baby during pregnancy, intake of protein rich foods is absolutely essential.
Hydration: Water intake prevents the risks of acid reflux and indigestion which is a common occurrence during pregnancy.
These recommended sources of nutrients are easily available through the intake of common foods like green leafy vegetables, cabbage, broccoli, potatoes, banana, pineapple, beans, lentils, eggs, lean meat, whole grains, dry fruits, etc.
It is best to speak to your fertility specialist for guidance on your diet plan before your start on a specific diet regime.
What Are the Foods that You Need to Dodge During IVF Treatment?
Just like you have a list of foods that contribute positively towards your fertility treatment success rate, there are types of foods that you should steer clear of as they can have a harmful impact on the pregnancy.
The foods that you should definitely avoid are raw eggs, fish and meat, fish with high mercury content, processed meats, full fat milk, cheese, soy, caffeine, aerated drinks, artificial sweeteners, alcohol and more.
Keep away from foods that cause indigestion that increases the chances of acid reflux during pregnancy.
How Much Should You Eat During IVF Treatment?
While eating healthy is important, it is also essential to focus on the amount of food intake.
Studies have reported that short term weight loss in overweight and obese women may improve the chances of pregnancy for those undergoing IVF treatment. Those with a healthy BMI need not worry about changing the quantity of their food intake.
However, if you are making changes to your calorie intake during IVF treatment, make sure that you pay attention to your macronutrient and micronutrient intake. Only make modifications in your diet on the recommendation of your fertility specialist.
Can a Healthy Diet & Lifestyle Change Lead to a Successful Pregnancy?
To make IVF successful, your diet and lifestyle have a critical role to play. Indulging in a diet that is heavy on saturated fats and unhealthy sources of micro and macronutrients will eventually take a toll on your overall health.
Hence, if you are considering IVF or assisted reproductive techniques to get pregnant then maintaining a healthy diet should be the focal point of the treatment.
To make your IVF treatment successful, here’s what you need to do.
Dietary Changes:
Women trying to get pregnant through IVF must focus heavily on their diet, says a study by the Harvard Medical School. The study reported a higher success rate if the diet comprised of foods that are rich in folic acid. Moreover, including sources of foods that are enriched in plant-based isoflavones or plant-based estrogen compounds contributed towards increased chances of conception.
As far as men are concerned, they can yield better quality sperm by consuming a diet that is rich in Vitamin B12, folic acid, and healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids. Including sources of antioxidants in the meal plan also helps in the fertility treatment success rate.
Alcohol and/or drugs must be completely flushed out of the systems of both partners if they are considering undertaking IVF treatment. It is also important to stay away from foods that contain high saturated fats and trans fats as it can decrease the success rate of fertility treatment.
Lifestyle Changes:
Changes in your everyday lifestyle are as important as making dietary modifications. Healthy eating is undoubtedly necessary to boost fertility. However, that should be supported by a moderate daily exercise regime for at least 30 minutes. This not only enhances the quality of the sperm but also boosts the chances of conception.
Before starting with your exercise routine, you must consult with your healthcare provider for guidance. Remember that a vigorous regime may have an adverse impact and may increase the risks of infertility further.
In addition to staying active, it is also important to give up smoking as that enhances the risks of infertility by 13%. Moreover, it can also lead to risks of genetic defects and abnormalities in the newborn.
Lastly, to boost your chances of getting pregnant through IVF, it is important to manage stress properly. Investing in meditation, breathing exercises and any other form of mental therapy can also help in stress management that is vital for a healthy pregnancy.
Take Away
If you are still struggling with what to eat during your IVF treatment, it is best that you seek professional guidance.
Feel free to schedule an appointment with Dr Vyjayanthi, Clinician in Charge at MotherToBe, a top fertility centre in Hyderabad. During the consultation, we will discuss your personal dietary needs that can help increase the success rate of your IVF cycle.
If you live in and around Hyderabad and are keen to know more about IVF treatments, be sure to contact MotherToBe’s team of fertility specialists who can ensure that your dream of starting your family can soon become a reality.
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