How to Improve Egg Quality for Better IVF Pregnancy Success?

- Why does egg quality play such a crucial role in IVF success?
- What exactly is egg quality?
- How to determine the quality of eggs?
- Ways to improve egg quality
Women trying to get pregnant for a while naturally or with the help of IVF are always looking for various ways to improve their egg quality to enhance their chances of conceiving. The quality of the gametes is one of the most important factors for a successful pregnancy and it could be improved with the right IVF protocol.
Unlike men, women are born with a reserve number of eggs around (1-2 million) out of which only 300 to 500 will mature. Women’s ovaries are naturally programmed to produce one egg that grows, matures and is released (ovulation) each menstrual cycle. That one egg gives you the one chance of pregnancy in each monthly-cycle. As women age, the quality of eggs deteriorates and so the ability to conceive.
With the rising rates of infertility cases across the globe, fertility experts are now probing the health & environmental factors that could be contributing to the decline of egg quality. Besides causing conception issues, poor egg quality can also cause chronic health problems in the baby.
Why does egg quality play such a crucial role in IVF success?
Well, it is a simple fact that high-egg quality eggs subsequently produce high-quality and healthy embryos. Therefore quality embryos are strong enough to survive the early stages of development in order to result in a successful conception.
What exactly is egg quality?
Egg quality is directly referred to the probability of embryo implantation, depending on her ovarian reserve or the number of eggs a woman has remaining for the future. While egg reserve is a good indicator of egg quality, quantity doesn’t always equal quality. even women who have less number of good-quality eggs then are able to achieve pregnancy through IVF.
An egg that has 23 chromosomes without any abnormalities can be considered a genetically normal egg (good quality egg). in other words, the egg quality is the total percentage of a woman’s total number of eggs that are normal. The impact of age on egg quality is consistent, which means women in their 20s would have mostly normal eggs, though they already have some abnormal ones and elder women who are above 40 age will have mostly abnormal eggs. That is why natural fertility declines with age
How to determine the quality of eggs?
While there is no accurate method yet to estimate the quality of eggs precisely and we have some hormone indicators:
Antral Follicle Count (Ultrasound)—Antral follicles are small ovarian follicles (each containing an immature egg), which can be seen with the help of ultrasound and the more number of follicles means a higher ovarian reserve.
FSH—Follicle Stimulating Hormone is one of the important hormones for ovulation and it stimulates the follicles in the ovaries to mature & release an egg. higher levels of FSH in women could be an indicator of diminished ovarian reserve and poorer quality eggs.
AMH Blood test—another gauge for ovarian reserve is the AMH (Anti-mullerian Hormone) test, which drops as women age. The anti-mullerian hormone is produced by ovarian follicles which aid in egg growth. AMH levels don’t reveal much about the quality but can indicate whether a woman has a large pool of growing follicles or not, which means the woman is likely to produce more viable eggs.
Check out our previous blog post: to learn more about AMH test results and how it is related to your fertility.
Do you know your egg /fertility number?
Get AMH testing done at MotherToBe fertility Center where our dedicated & experienced fertility specialists to review your results!
Knowing your AMH levels is a way to assess your egg number/ovarian egg reserve partially egg quality offering a key to understanding your fertility.
Don’t hesitate to go for an egg checkup!
Contact us & schedule your AMH test!
(Creative related to AMH Test)
Here are some ways that you can improve your egg quality and ensure that your eggs are the best that could be when preparing for IVF conception.
Ways to improve egg quality
Look at your lifestyle Choices—lifestyle choices can have a significant impact on reproductive health and there have not yet any conclusive findings specifically on what kind of diet and exercise is best to improve egg quality. but self-care can ensure better functioning of body health and makes you ready to nurture a pregnancy when it comes.
When you are trying to conceive it is a great idea to start making choices. Eat a balanced and healthy diet with plenty of protein, low-carbs, avoid aerated or preservative foods. cut out caffeine, alcohol, and quit smoking, and give your body regular, gentle exercise.
Take Supplements—there is a myriad of fertility supplements in the market, but every individual is unique, and the nutritional requirements, health conditions. It is good to consult fertility experts or nutritionists who can aptly suggest supplements that you are deficient with or in need of. The common supplements may include Coenzyme Q10-an antioxidant to help improve the quality of eggs, and DHEA supplements to balance hormones. Make sure that there are no potential interactions between your supplements and if you are taking any prescribed medications.
Consider Complementary Therapies—alternative, complementary therapies and treatments can increase the sense of well-being as they are trying to conceive. Acupuncture, massage, and supplements may all aid in creating an optimal environment for the eggs .
Manage Stress—Prolonged stress can produce hormones such as prolactin, cortisol that can interface or halt ovulation which even hinders egg production. Stress-reducing activities like, yoga, meditation, exercise, etc. can help keep frustration and stress at bay.
Ovarian reserve and egg quality helps to understand your fertility potential and a good quality egg results in successful fertilization and good embryo formation which is the key to achieve pregnancy through IVF.
MotherToBe fertility centre in Hyderabad goes hand in hand with an experienced team of embryologists and world-class laboratory where advanced technologies are being used. With over 20 years of experience and embryologists, fertility experts, and technicians behind the scenes, we use innovative technologies and breakthrough ART techniques that optimizes fertility success.