ICSI-Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection is a technique by which a single sperm is injected into the egg to aid fertilisation process to make the embryo (fertilised egg).
There are 2 ways to fertilise the eggs in the laboratory. The conventional insemination-IVF in which the eggs and sperm are mixed in a petri dish and the sperm spontaneously enter the egg to bring about fertilisation. However, in certain situations such as low sperm count when normal fertilisation may not occur, ICSI is done to facilitate fertilisation.

Indications for ICSI
Abnormally low sperm count
Sperm showing poor motility
A very high proportion of abnormal-looking sperm
Previous failed/poor fertilisation with IVF
Sperm obtained from testis-surgical sperm retrieval
Unexplained subfertility
A very low number of eggs/poor quality eggs
Process of ICSI

Step 1
The retrieved eggs are surrounded by supporting cells called cumuli. With ICSI, the embryologist removes the cumulus by placing them in a special solution and then isolates the egg using special pipettes.

Step 2
To perform ICSI, our embryologists help us choose the right sperm. Sometimes they spend hours selecting a normal-looking sperm from the samples obtained from testis where there is no ejaculated sperm. At the KIMS fertility centre, to choose a better sperm, the team uses additional techniques such as IMSI (Intracytoplasmic Morphologically selected Sperm Injection).

Step 3
Now, the egg is placed in a customised dish under the microscope of the micromanipulator machine used to perform ICSI in special droplets. The injection pipette holds the egg, and a single sperm is then selected under the microscope by the scientist and loaded inside the injection pipette. This process deposits the sperm inside the egg.
From the patient’s perspective, there are no changes in the protocol; it is the same as IVF. We use the micromanipulator to perform ICSI to facilitate fertilisation in the lab. Other advanced methods such as calcium to activate the egg and sperm activation agents are also used to improve the outcome of ICSI. Our embryologists are trained in all the latest techniques to optimise the outcome for our patients.
ICSI provides a safe and effective way of fertilising the egg, which would not have been fertilised otherwise. Our team of veteran embryologists ensure that little to no damage is incurred to the eggs while performing the procedure. All the fertilised eggs are placed in a special incubator for further growth and development.
Are the success rates better with ICSI than IVF?
The pregnancy rates are similar with IVF and ICSI. However, ICSI is a boon and has revolutionised the treatment of male infertility. Men with a few thousand sperm or men with no sperm in semen can parent their genetic child using this technique.
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