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Dr S. Vyjayanthi

  • MD, DGO, DNB, MRCOG, MSC (Embryology UK), CCT(UK)
  • Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine & Surgery (RCOG, UK)
  • Director and Fertility Specialist, MotherToBe
  • Head of Department & Consultant Fertility Specialist, KIMS, Secunderabad.



Clinical fellowship in Reproductive Medicine, Leeds Reproductive Medicine Unit, UK


Sub-specialty Fellowship, Reproductive Medicine & Surgery, St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, UK.


Sub-speciality Accreditation in Reproductive Medicine & Surgery, RCOG, UK.


MSc Embryology, Leeds University, UK.


CCT, Obstetrics & Gynecology, RCOG, UK.

Doctor's Profile

Dr Vyjayanthi is an internationally renowned and Best Fertility Specialist in hyderabad with more than 20 years of experience in Fertility Care who has performed more than 10,000 Cycles of IVF over the past decade. A Gold Medalist throughout her career, Dr Vyjayanthi has worked for ten years in the United Kingdom and has obtained the prestigious Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery at world-renowned centres of excellence in Leeds and London.

She is the only Top Fertility Specialist in hyderabad, India to have done M.Sc. in Embryology, which gives her a significantly broader perspective & enhances her expertise in the subject. She has also obtained Sub-specialty Accreditation in Reproductive Medicine with the RCOG, UK, which gives her the eligibility to practice as a Consultant and Director of an IVF Unit in the UK.

She has vast experience in all aspects of reproductive medicine and surgery, having worked with eminent figures in the field of fertility in the UK. She has published widely in peer-reviewed journals, presented scientific papers at National and International Conferences and facilitated many Research Projects in Reproductive Medicine.

She returned to India in 2009 and set up the KIMS Fertility Center. Past decade (2009 – 2021), the Center has earned the reputation of being the country’s best fertility centre of excellence.

  • M.B.B.S – Coimbatore Medical College, Tamilnadu, India
  • DGO – Trivandrum Medical College, Kerala, India
  • MD (Obs Gyn) – Trivandrum Medical College, Kerala, India
  • DNB (Obs Gyn) – National Board of Examinations, India
  • MRCOG – Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists, London, UK
  • MSc (Clinical Embryology) – Leeds University, England, UK
Research Experience

She has been involved in various research projects and investigations related to advanced reproductive medicine. Dr Vyjayanthi worked on “Cellular and Molecular Markers of Oocyte Quality” under the supervision of Dr Helen Picton, Professor and Head of Division for Reproduction & Early development, Leeds University, UK. The study aimed to determine whether any significant differences in the amino acid turnover exist between developmentally competent and arrested oocytes on in vitro maturation (IVM) for 24 hours. A further aim was to determine any significant differences between oocytes obtained from PCOS and non-PCOS patients. Oocytes, which progressed in vitro to MII, exhibited amino acid patterns different from those arrested. Oocytes from PCOS patients showed a different amino acid turnover than non-PCOS patients. The data suggested a link between amino acid metabolism and oocyte quality.

She has also been involved in the following research projects in the Reproductive Medicine Unit in Leeds:

  1. Birth weight study– an observational study to investigate whether the birth weight of women affects their response to stimulation during IVF treatment.
  2. A phase 2 randomised trial to investigate the dose-response relationship of a single injection of long-acting FSH to initiate multiple follicular growths in IVF cycles.
  3. A prospective randomised study comparing Nourish (preconception conditioning programme) with placebo in couples undergoing IVF treatment
  4. RCT of Menopur versus Gonal-F in the management of anovulatory infertility.
  5. A prospective randomised study of the optimal timing for the administration of HCG in women undergoing IVF in a GnRH antagonist cycle.
  6. Guide for THESIS – DNB students – Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Ltd.
  7. Dr Amita Kasar-Anti Mullerian Hormone as a predictive marker of ovarian response in IVF.
  8. Dr Vasundhara Devi-Management of ectopic tubal pregnancy in the tertiary health care centre.
  9. Jaideep Khare-Endocrinology-Study of metabolic, hormonal profile and fertility outcome in patients with PCOS needing fertility treatment.
  10. Dr Sadhana Valluri-A Study of Hysteroscopy role in evaluating various uterine disorders.
    • GOLD MEDAL: MD, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Trivandrum Medical College.
    • GOLD MEDAL: DGO, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Trivandrum Medical College.
    • Distinction in Clinical Embryology: MSc, Leeds University, United Kingdom.
    • Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, London, which is essential to work as a Consultant in the UK.
    • One of the few doctors from India to achieve CCT and Subspecialty Accreditation in Reproductive Medicine, which gives eligibility to practice as a Consultant and Director of an IVF Unit in Britain.
    1. MCQ’S & EMQ “S in surgery: Bailey & Love Revision Guide, Second Edition 2015, Chapter 80-Gynaecology, S.Vyjayanthi & Pranathi Reddy, pages 767-775.
    2. Nahar R, Rangarajan A, S.Vyjayanthi, Bhushanam K, Genetic evaluation in infertility: the case of an infertile couple with deletion and duplication of chromosome 9q12, Journal of Medical and Scientific Research. March 2015.
    3. Hemmings KE, Maruthini D, Vyjayanthi S, Hogg JE, Balen AH, Campbell BK, Leese HJ, Picton HM, Amino acid turnover by human oocytes is influenced by gamete developmental competence, patient characteristics and gonadotrophin treatment. Human Reproduction 2013, April: 28(4); 1031-44.
    4. B.Guruwadayarhalli, S.E.Jones, S.Vyjayanthi, Hysteroscopy in the diagnosis of postmenopausal bleeding, Menopause International (2007); 13: 07-20.
    5. S.E.Jones, S.Vyjayanthi, B.Guruwadayarhalli, Chapter 5-Treating menstrual disturbance including pelvic pain (Excluding PCOS) –Pages 39-59. Obesity and Reproductive Health-RCOG Press 978-1-904752-39-4.
    6. S.E.Jones, B.Guruwadayarhalli, S.Vyjayanthi; Surgical and interventional management of abnormal uterine bleeding, Gynaecology Forum; 2007, 12 (2), 23-26.
    7. S.Vyjayanthi, J.Glanville, E.Yasmin &A.H.Balen. Modern trends in ovulation induction Human Fertility (Camb).2007 Jun; 10(2): 117-121.
    8. S. Vyjayanthi, T.Tang, M.Deivanayagam, A.Fattah, N.Bardis, A.H.Balen. “Elective cryopreservation of embryos at the pronuclear stage in women at risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome may affect the overall pregnancy rate”. Fertility and Sterility 2006 Dec; 86 (6): 1773-5.
    9. S.Vyjayanthi, C.R.Kingsland, R.Dunham &A.H.Balen.” National survey of current practice in assessing tubal patency in the UK”, Human Fertility (2004) Vol 7 No4 pages-267-271.
    10. M.Zachariah, S.Vyjayanthi, S.Bell-Thomas. “Thrombosis of umbilical vein varix: A Case Report. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2004) Vol.24, No.4.
    11. S. Vyjayanthi, A.J.Dawson, S.Bell-Thomas, ER.Barnor “Caesarean Section Rates: comparing the results of the National Sentinel Audit with a local audit. All Wales Perinatal Survey and Confidential Enquiry into Stillbirths and Deaths in Infancy, Annual report, 2002 (November 2003) Pp 35-38. ISBN: 09525207 4 5.
    12. S. Vyjayanthi, A. Devi, S. Bell-Thomas. “ Vaginal Birth after Caesarean Section (VBAC) and Maternal choice: Our Experience”, Wales Office of Research & Development for Health & Social Care (WORD) Website, February 2003.
    13. S. Vyjayanthi, N. Piskorowskyj. Follow up study of patients referred for Colposcopy with high-grade cytology & subsequent negative histology, Wales Office of Research & Development for Health & Social Care (WORD) Website, February 2003.
    14. S. Vyjayanthi , N.Piskorowskyj. Medical termination of pregnancy at 9-12 weeks of gestation. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2002) Vol.22, No.6, 669-671.
    15. S. Vyjayanthi, U.Rajesh, T.H.Bloomfield Hemoperitoneum due to placenta percreta in the third trimester mimicking placental abruption. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2002).Vol.22, No.6, 690.
    16. U.Rajesh, S. Vyjayanthi, N.Piskorowskyj. Silent uterine rupture following second-trimester medical termination of pregnancy in a patient with three previous sections and an artificial urinary sphincter. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2002) Vol.22, No.6, 687.
    17. S. Vyjayanthi, P.J.Banfield and P.G.Toon. Elevated Ca-125 levels and endometriosis. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2001) Vol.21, No.5, 545. q
    Presentations to Learned Societies


    S.Vyjayanthi, ultrasound only monitoring for IVF cycles, 23rd Annual Congress of Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction, 19-22nd April 2018, Kolkata.


    • S.Vyjayanthi, Panel discussion-How do we enhance success rates in IVF? KISAR Annual Conference-Gaining momentum in ART, 1st April 2017, Bangalore.
    • S.Vyjayanthi, Personalised Luteal Support, KISAR Annual Conference-Gaining Momentum in ART, 2nd April 2017. Bangalore.
    • S.Vyjayanthi, Panel Discussion-Fresh versus Frozen Embryo Transfer, 22nd Annual Congress of ISAR 2017, 21st April 2017, Delhi.
    • S.Vyjayanthi, Ovulation Induction in PCOS: current options, CME Programme, 28th April 2017, Hyderabad.
    • S.Vyjayanthi, Ovulation Induction-Does Letrozole add value? OGSH CME on Neutraceuticals in Pregnancy and Lactation and a comeback in OI, 28TH June 2017, Hyderabad.
    • Juhee P & S.Vyjayanthi, Outpatient Hysteroscopy in Subfertile patients-An Observational Study, FOGSI FIGO2017 International Congress on Clinical challenges in OB-GYN, 6TH August 2017.
    • S.Vyjayanthi, Get Smart-Know your instruments needed for OPU, Association of Clinical Embryologists Annual Conference, September 2017.
    • S.Vyjayanthi, Debate: Multiple Uterine Fibroids-Surgical versus Medical management-Dr Prakash Trivedi (Surgical)VS Dr Vyjayanthi (Medical), DR Sulochana Gunasheela Memorial Conference, 13-15th October 2017, Bangalore.


    1. S.Vyjayanthi, evaluation of the infertile couple, ISOPARB Hyderabad Chapter, 21st January 2016, Hyderabad. 
    2. S.Vyjayanthi, PCOS Management-Newer Trends, OGSH, 17th February 2016, Hyderabad. 
    3. S.Vyjayanthi, Partnering in IVF centres, ICOG-FOGSI National Conference on Fertility Regulation and Women’s Health, 27th August 2016, Hyderabad.
    4. S.Vyjayanthi, Why, How & When of PGS-Preimplantation Genetic Screening: Current Practices, CME programme, Fernandez Hospital, 3rd October 2016, Hyderabad. 
    5. S . Vyjayanthi, Treating Poor Responders, 8th Annual Conference of ISOPARB Hyderabad Chapter, Maatrika 2016, 3-4rth December 2016, Hyderabad.
    6. S.Vyjayanthi, Current concepts of oocyte banking, embryo donation and surrogacy, Indian Menopause Society, Hyderabad Chapter, 17TH December 2016, Hyderabad.


    1. S.Vyjayanthi, ART in perimenopause and ethics, IMS Hyderabad Zonal Conference, 18th April 2015, Hyderabad.
    2. S.Vyjayanthi, Symposium on multiple pregnancy-forming protocols-Luteal phase support in ART pregnancies, Fernandez hospital, 23rd January 2015, Hyderabad.
    3. S.Vyjayanthi, Ovarian reserve-how to assess?, Maatrika 2014, 9th November 2014, Hyderabad.
    4. S.Vyjayanthi, CME-PCOD an update, OGSH Hyderabad, 13th August 2014, Hyderabad.
    5. S.Vyjayanthi, Endocrinology of early pregnancy, IGNITE, Phase 1-CME on Reproductive Endocrinology, organised by ICOG in association with OGSH, 23rd April 2014, Hyderabad.
    6. S.Vyjayanthi, Panel discussion –clinical scenarios on tubal factors, RCOG world congress 2014, Workshop: Troubleshooting in infertility, 27th March 2014, Hyderabad.
    7. S.Vyjayanthi, Meet the experts-Q&A session, RCOG world congress 2014, Workshop: Troubleshooting in infertility, 27th March 2014, Hyderabad.
    8. S. Vyjayanthi, Ethics infertility management, Dr Shantabai Satwalker Oration, IMA meeting, 29th October 2013, Hyderabad.
    9. S.Vyjayanthi, AMH or Antral follicle count to determine ovarian reserve? Marika 2013, ISOPARB Hyderabad chapter, 20th October 2013, Hyderabad.
    10. S.Vyjayanthi, Panel discussion-Infertility with pathology-case scenarios, OGSH-CME on IUI, OGSH in coordination with Infertility committee of FOGSI, 19th June 2013, Hyderabad.
    11. S.Vyjayanthi, Chair-Male subfertility-ISOPARB, 13th June 2013, Hyderabad.
    12. S.Vyjayanthi, Panel discussion-Situational analysis in infertility and endoscopic solutions-OI to IUI (workshop) – 15th APCOG, 20th April 2013, Hyderabad.
    13. S.Vyjayanthi, Luteal phase defect, Vizag Obs and Gynaecological Society Meeting, 5th April 2013.
    14. S.Vyjayanthi, Moderator – Panel discussion on why is progesterone the most important drug in obstetrics? Vizag Obstetrics and Gynaecological Society Meeting, 5th April 2013.
    15. S.Vyjayanthi, Panel discussion-Endometriomas and ART-International conference on infertility-2012, organised by FOGSI and OGSH, Hyderabad, 17th December 2012.
    16. S.Vyjayanthi, Diminished ovarian reserve in infertility, MAATRIKA 2012, 3rd November 2012, Hyderabad.
    17. S.Vyjayanthi, Unexplained infertility-evidence based management, Advances 2012, 13th Annual International Congress in obstetrics, gynaecology and Reproductive medicine, 22nd September 2012, Trivandrum.
    18. S.Vyjayanthi, Hyperprolactinaemia and anovulation, Advances 2012, 13th Annual International Congress in obstetrics, gynaecology and Reproductive medicine, 22nd September 2012, Trivandrum.
    19. S.Vyjayanthi, IVF in women with medical disorders-when to say no?, Obstetric Medicine Update – 14th Annual CME, Society of Obstetric Medicine, India, 8th September 2012, Hyderabad.
    20. S.Vyjayanthi, Selecting the best sperm – ICSI or IMSI? APCOG 2012, 21st July 2012, Hyderabad.
    21. S.Vyjayanthi, Non-invasive assessment of embryo-role of metabolomics, 17th National Conference of ISAR (Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction) 2012, 4rth March 2012, Raipur.
    22. S.Vyjayanthi, Non-invasive assessment of embryo – does it improve embryo selection and is it cost-effective in Indian scenario?, Optimising ART outcome-through individualised protocols, Hosted by KISAR-ISMAAR, 5th February 2012, Bangalore.
    23. S.Vyjayanthi, Lab aspects of ART-Meet the experts’ breakfast session, Optimising ART outcome through individualised protocols, Hosted by KISAR-ISMAAR, 5th February 2012, Bangalore.


    1. S.Vyjayanthi, K.E.Hemmings, J.E.Hogg, A.H.Balen & H.Picton. “Non-invasive measurement of amino acid turnover by individual human oocytes in spent culture media”, British Fertility Society Annual Meeting, 12th April 2007.
    2. Bardis N, Hamzeh R, Tang T, Yasmin E, Vyjayanthi S, Balen AH. Does low birth weight affect the ovarian reserve and the response to IVF treatment?. 22nd Annual Meeting of ESHRE. 18-21 June 2006.
    3. E.Yasmin, R.Hamzeh, S.Vyjayanthi, J.Smith, A.H. Balen. Sonohysterography for evaluation of the endometrial cavity in women undergoing fertility treatment. The annual Congress of the International College of Gynaecological Imaging. 15-17 December 2005.
    4. S.Vyjayanthi, C.R.Kingsland, R.Dunham &A.H.Balen. “National survey of current practice in assessing tubal patency in the UK”, Organon Nurses Conference. June 2004.
    5. S. Vyjayanthi, T.Tang, M.Deivanayagam, A.Fattah, N.Bardis, A.H.Balen. “Does elective cryopreservation of embryos at the pronuclear stage(freeze-all cycles) in women at risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome(OHSS) affect the overall pregnancy rates?” British Fertility Society Annual Meeting, 30 March-2 April 2004.
    6. S. Vyjayanthi, C.R.Kingsland, A.H.Balen. “National Survey of current practice in assessing tubal patency in the UK”, Joint ACE/BFS-British Fertility Society Meeting, 5-6 January 2004.
    7. S. Vyjayanthi, S.Basu, G.Jose, N.Hammadieh, J.Evans. – Selective follicular reduction in superovulated IUI cycle-Does it affects pregnancy outcome? A Tertiary centre experience. International Congress on infertility, Bombay, India., 14-16 November 2003.
    8. S. Vyjayanthi, S.Bell-Thomas, E.R.Barnor, A.J.Dawson. “Caesarean Section Rates: comparing the accuracy of the National Sentinel Audit with a local audit. India Day, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 4th July 2003.
    9. S. Vyjayanthi, N.Piskorowskyj “A Follow up study of patients with high-grade cytology on smear and negative colposcopy”, The British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology-BSCCP, Annual Scientific Meeting, 10-12 April 2003, Manchester.
    10. S. Vyjayanthi, S.Bell-Thomas, E.R.Barnor, A.J.Dawson. “Caesarean Section Rates: comparing the accuracy of the National Sentinel Audit with a local audit. Welsh Obstetric and Gynaecology Society Meeting, 4th April 2003.
    11. M.Zachariah, S.Vyjayanthi, S.Bell-Thomas. “Thrombosis of umbilical vein varix: Case Report. Welsh Obstetric and Gynaecology Society Meeting, 4th April 2003.
    12. S. Vyjayanthi, A. Devi, S. Bell-Thomas. ” Vaginal birth after Caesarean Section (VBAC) and Maternal choice: Our Experience”, Conversazione 2002 (Peer Reviewed Section), Health & Social care Exhibition, University of Wales, Swansea, 12th December 2002.
    13. S. Vyjayanthi, N.Piskorowskyj “A Follow up study of patients referred for Colposcopy with high-grade cytology on smear and subsequent negative histology”, Conversazione 2002 (Peer Reviewed Section), Health & Social care Exhibition, University of Wales, Swansea, 12th December 2002.
    14. S. Vyjayanthi, N.Piskorowskyj “Audit on Medical Termination of Pregnancy”, Conversazione 2002, Health & Social care Exhibition, University of Wales, Swansea, 12th December 2002.
    15. S. Vyjayanthi, N. Piskorowskyj – A follow up study of patients referred for Colposcopy with high-grade cytology & subsequent negative histology. Fourth All Wales Cervical Screening Conference, Newtown, 2nd December 2002
    16. S. Vyjayanthi, N.Piskorowskyj “A Follow up study of patients referred for colposcopy with high-grade cytology on smear and subsequent negative histology”, Welsh Obstetric &Gynaecological Society Meeting, 4th October 2002.
    17. Vyjayanthi, A O’Leary, P.J.Banfield “Hemoperitoneum due to pelvic endometriosis in the third trimester in a twin pregnancy mimicking placental abruption”, Welsh Obstetric &Gynaecological Society Meeting, 4th October 2002.
    18. S. Vyjayanthi, N.Piskorowskyj “Medical termination of pregnancy at 9-12 weeks of gestation-, Welsh Obstetric &Gynaecological Society Meeting, 26th April 2002.
    19. S. Vyjayanthi, U.Rajesh, T.H.Bloomfield “Hemoperitoneum due to placenta percreta in the third trimester mimicking placental abruption”, Welsh Obstetric &Gynaecological Society Meeting, 26th April 2002.
    20. S. Vyjayanthi, U.Rajesh, N.Piskorowskyj “Silent uterine rupture following second-trimester medical termination of pregnancy in a patient with three previous sections and an artificial urinary sphincter” Welsh Obstetric &Gynaecological Society Meeting, 26th April 2002.
    21. S. Vyjayanthi – “Management of HELLP Syndrome”. XIV Asia Pacific Federation of the International College of Surgeons, Hyderabad, India, 9th November 2001.
    22. S. Vyjayanthi, Neonatal LCAD & Maternal HELLP Syndrome – A Case Report & Literature Review, North Wales Perinatal Meeting, Wrexham. 28th January 2000.
    Experience in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery

    Dr. Vyjayanthi has worked with Prof Adam Balen, a world authority on PCOS and Mr. Rutherford, a founder member of the British Fertility Society while pursuing her Clinical Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine at Leeds both of whom are leading figures in Infertility in the UK. She did her Masters in Clinical Embryology at Leeds University under the supervision of Prof Helen Picton whose research interests are on human oocyte and embryo development.

    Dr. Vyjayanthi, has worked on cellular and molecular markers of oocyte quality as her project during her Master’s Programme at Leeds and has done a lot of research in this field and has several publications to her credit. Although a clinician, she chose to do Masters in Embryology to get an in-depth understanding of embryology which places her at an advantage in counseling couples and guiding them in the right direction.

    She has worked as a subspecialty Fellow at St Bartholomew’s Centre for Reproductive Medicine in London for 2 years and is accredited with RCOG as Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine which is essential to work as the Director of IVF unit in the UK. She has worked with Ms. Tozer and Mr. Al Shawaf a pioneer in ovarian stimulation and coasting protocols and fertility preservation which helped her enrich her experience in this field.

    Dr. Vyjayanthi has successfully completed the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and British Fertility Society certified ‘special skills module’ in Assisted Reproduction, Management of Infertile Couple, Advanced Hysteroscopic  Surgery and Transvaginal Ultrasound.

    She has been practicing Infertility exclusively since 2003 and is well experienced in all aspects of reproductive medicine. She is an expert in the management of PCOS, Poor ovarian reserve, recurrent miscarriages, recurrent implantation failure, and fertility preservation to name a few.

    Membership of Societies


    Mr Durai

    Embryology Team Lead and Lab Director, KIMS Fertility Centre

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    Durai has 14 years of experience in Embryology and Andrology and is the Embryology Team Lead and Lab Director at KIMS fertility Centre. His expertise lies in all aspects of laboratory management and ART procedures. His major areas of interest are oocyte cryopreservation and embryo biopsy. He is very keen to train the future generation of embryologists and has delivered many lectures at national and international conferences.

    He is an executive member of ACE (Academy of Clinical Embryologists), Member of ISAR (Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction), IFS (Indian Fertility Society) and ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology).


    Dr Namrata Varma

    Consultant in Reproductive MedicineMBBS, DGO, ICOG Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine

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    Dr Namrata has eight years of experience dealing with couples with fertility issues and has vast experience in counselling couples in IVF and related procedures. She is a patient listener and a good communicator, which helps her connect well with the patients.


    Dr Sharadha Golconda

    MBBS DGO FIRM – Consultant Gynaecologist

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    Dr Sharada Golconda comes with a rich experience of 10+ years. She is well-versed in treating the entire gamut of women’s health issues, from puberty to menopause. She has vast experience in imaging modalities like ultrasound which help her diagnose and treat a variety of gynaecological emergencies, ectopic pregnancy in particular. Minimal invasive surgeries ( laparoscopy and hysteroscopy ) or keyhole surgeries are her forte.

    Best fertility Specialist In Hyderabad

    If you’re searching for the best fertility specialist in Hyderabad, understanding what a fertility expert can do for you is crucial. At MotherToBe Fertility Clinic, our highly experienced infertility doctors in Hyderabad specialize in diagnosing and treating a wide range of fertility challenges. Here are some of the conditions our fertility specialists can effectively manage:

    • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
    • Endometriosis
    • Male and Female Infertility
    • Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
    • Hormonal Imbalances Affecting Fertility
    • Blocked Fallopian Tubes
    • Unexplained Infertility

    With state-of-the-art technology and a patient-centric approach, we offer personalized treatment plans to help couples achieve their dream of parenthood. Book your consultation today with top fertility specialist in Hyderabad.

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