From Struggle to Joy : Our Journey to Parenthood

Although the desire to have a baby had taken over my world for , at that point , two and a half years, it wasn’t easy to speak to my family , friends . I didn’t want to have the pressure of the issue hanging over our conversation every time I saw them.
Since I have been through this journey , I know what it’s like. I don’t want others to experience a silent struggle. It’s when you open up that you realise how many people have actually been through it or know someone who has.
I got married in 2012 , and both my husband and myself being so found of kids we started to plan for pregnancy since 2015. We tried naturally for 6 months . In that time , it becomes all encompassing. Getting pregnant turns into a fear of not getting pregnant. And of course, you feel like you see babies and pregnant women everywhere , feeling like not fitting into that age group they’re by feeling all distorted from within.
Sooner we realised that it wasn’t happening for us , we started looking out for help . It was really important to understand that difficulties in getting pregnant. After consulting couple of specialists we understood that our chances of conceiving on a natural level were close to zero. So we went on to try IUI process one after another with every other doctor we consulted, couple of the same procedures each and in a whole tried IUI 11 times and we only kept failing putting ourselves to disappointments. That’s when we got to know about Dr VYJAYANTHI at Mother to be and her prowess in this area. As hard as it is to think of yourself as an ‘ infertile couple ,’ we still felt positive . It meant we were going to get support. Having a specialist like dr Vyjayanthi behind us was rather reassuring . It gave us direction and reignited our hope.
My husband I were strong functioning as a team . By the time we had our first consultation at mother to be , it has been eight years since we decided we wanted a baby. We without delay under Dr Vyjayanthi’s advice started the treatment . She ran us through a series of tests to reassure the state internally and guided us through the process IVF , in the first attempt there were no signs of pregnancy, I was almost broken and I totally understand why people give up at this point. But we believed in the doctor and her care , if not for her motivation it would been hard . She really worked to bring our spirits up again. At the same time my husband said , it’s a journey and we will do this together. Post that on our third attempt we saw the ray of hope. That was the day of joy and celebration after 11 long years of await. It felt surreal .
About Dr Vyjayanthi’s expertise;
Few points that I would like to mention about her professional expertise is her treatment style. when you fail once it can get hard but we will have her constant support , to not get stuck there and rather to look forward, only when we believe in that we will be able to gain strength to move forward . With my previous journey before reaching out to Dr vyjayanthi there were days I used to take 12 tablets everyday and the best part here (at Mtb ) is you are treated with minimal dosage of medication . Process feels comfortable & smooth.
My message to all the couples who want a baby is this – please maintain a healthy thought process in your own capacity keeping aside all the the stress filled threats one might feel. Age can become less of a challenge when you have proper guidance. Above all surrender yourself completely to the almighty and believe in yourself. Your miracle might be just around the corner. Just hang in there , be patient and stay happy .
I really hope that our story will encourage others to openly talk about infertility to support and simply be there for each other.
Thank you,