Tips for Maximizing your IVF Success After Embryo Transfer!

Embryo Transfer
Tips to attain successful embryo transfer
Factors that may affect the success of an embryo transfer
Your journey through IVF treatment would be a rollercoaster of various emotions from joy, hopefulness to anxiety and concern. However, the most stressful time for several women is the embryo transfer process, as it is the crucial yet final step of their IVF treatment & the final hurdle to becoming pregnant.
The way you maintain your body healthy during this phase impacts your treatments results. Through the embryo transfer process remain calm and stress-free as possible to embrace the best results.
Embryo Transfer
During an embryo transfer, the viable embryo is transferred into the cavity of the womb using a thin catheter. The lining of the uterus undergoes changes to receive the embryo and these changes happen by hormones that are either produced naturally or administered through medication based on the type of treatment.
You may have lots of questions about embryo transfer, and also eager to know whether there is anything to be followed around this time to maximize your chances of a successful conception and healthy pregnancy. here are some frequently asked questions and tips for you:
Tips to attain successful embryo transfer
First of all, get the best IVF treatment from the fertility specialists with expertise and accomplished experience. A well-experienced fertility doctor will be able to track your ultrasound images and transfer your fromed embryos like a pro.
- Diet
Secondly, women during and after embryo transfer need to follow a balanced healthy diet and get proper relaxation. Various evidences support the positive effect of a healthy diet on conception as well as pregnancy.
Consume a balanced diet which includes a lot of fruits , vegetables, have good sources of fiber, protein, and complex carbohydrates. Avoid intake of high risk foods such as processed meat, junk food, unpasteurized cheeses and fish associated with heavy metal content.
It is also very important to maintain a good intake of calcium & other essential vitamins and minerals. You can talk to fertility specialists or MotherToBe nutritionists who can give proper dietary advice and recommend supplements, if you are concerned about meeting your nutritional needs during IVF treatment and beyond. Stay hydrated through the IVF process.
- Exercise
It is recommended to avoid strenuous physical activities around the time of embryo transfer. Physical exercise is important for the treatment but be mindful that one should take it a little easy. Try to relax in simple ways that suit you and as much as possible. Activities like yoga, meditation, regular walks, acupuncture, and some other mindfulness techniques could be very helpful.
- Don’t Excessive too much
Most of us enjoy keeping up an active and healthy lifestyle. However, over indulging in sports or gymming activities could be a determinant to your IVF treatment success.
- Get the right amount of quality sleep
- Keep yourself stress-free and relaxed
Factors that may affect the success of an embryo transfer
Patients undergoing IVF, physicians could help predict the success of an embryo transfer by evaluating some factors such as
endometrial thickness,
While predicting a patient’s ability to achieve a pregnancy, endometrial receptivity is one of the most critical factors to consider. Receptivity is partially determined by the blood flow to the endometrium.
The endometrial thickness is also a significant parameter for receptivity in women who are undergoing embryo transfer. Recent studies of endocrinology and reproductive biology found pregnancy rates to be lower in women with an endometrial thickness of less than 7 mm compared to women with thickness of more that 7mm.
Assessment of endometrial vascularity helps in predicting successful embryo implantation. Measuring endometrial and subendometrial blood flow has been increasingly considered as key to the success of IVF.
Is there anything to take care after the embryo transfer?
IVF patients should have a comprehensive plan about the medications you have to take throughout your IVF treatment. Discuss about the medications that need to be continued or any other additional medications advised by your fertility specialist, that may include folic acid and luteal support drugs.
Can embryos stick to the womb immediately after transfer?
No, after placing the embryo into your womb, it is up to them to implant and grow and you will have to wait at least a couple of weeks to see if your pregnancy is beginning to progress or not.
Are there any preferred sleeping positions that need to be followed after transfer?
There is no evidence to conclude that a sleeping position is better for embryo implantation. Successful embryo implantation depends on the conditions of the womb, when the womb lining is thick and soft and ideal for an embryo to implant.
Experiencing some pain or spotting is usual?
It is usual to expericensome light spotting after the embryo transfer and during implantation. Some IVF patients also experience some crampy pains or feel bloated. And these are commonly seen symptoms and they do not appear to correlate with the IVF success.
Going through a fertility treatment could be stressful, and the best advice is to concentrate on looking after yourself both physically and emotionally. Remind yourself, that the success of IVF depends on various factors and you do everything that you can to improve the likelihood of success.
If you are decided to undergo IVF treatment to attain pregnancy, the highly qualified and experienced fertility specialists at MitherToBe can help guide you through.
With our state-of-art lab facilities we provide the highest quality and advanced IVF treatment. We also provide couples with the holistic support, knowledge, and guidance they require in order to make their fertility treatments as successful as possible.