Top 10 IUI FAQs Answered by the Best Fertility Doctors!

- What is IUI?
- How IUI Works?
- Who can all benefit from IUI?
- When is the best time to do insemination?
- How many IUI cycles need to be done and Is there any benefit of going for a second IUI?
- Which Factors can control the success rates of IUI?
- How soon after an IUI one can have intercourse?
- How Effective is IUI? Does It Hurts & Can you have multiples with IUI?
- Is bleeding common after IUI?
- How long do we have to wait to know if implantation has occurred after IUI?
Are you trying to get pregnant? Planning to opt for an IUI? All thanks to the development of reproductive technology and the advances that allow couples suffering from different fertility conditions that prevent natural conception & conception with the help of different ART procedures. IUI or Intra Uterine Insemination is one of the ideal ways and the first line of treatment to help individuals or couples to conceive before moving on to advanced procedures such as IVF-In Vitro Fertilization.
IUI is a simple procedure and takes a couple of minutes to complete. If you are one who is considering IUI, then continuing reading this article would help you better understand IUI and get expert answers for the top frequently asked questions about this procedure.
What is IUI?
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is an artificial insemination procedure that involves inserting the male partner’s or donor’s washed sperm into a woman’s uterus during the time of ovulation to facilitate fertilization and conception naturally.
IUI is used to increase the conception rate by increasing the chance that the maximum number of viable and healthy sperm reaches the site of fertilization.
How IUI Works?
The woman undergoing IUI usually is given ovarian stimulation medications to stimulate the development of multiple eggs, stimulation drugs are given especially in the cases where the infertility is due to no ovulation.
A semen sample is produced by masturbation or through surgical aspiration (TESA, PESA) after 2-5 days of abstinence (not having sexual intercourse).
During IUI, it is not possible to inject semen directly into the uterus as certain substances in the fluid can cause painful uterine spasms. Therefore the semen sample is washed and motile sperms are isolated from the dead ones. This process is called sperm washing and takes approximately about 2 hours. After preparation, the sperm concentrate is placed through the cervix into the woman’s uterus by using a thin and flexible catheter, which takes around 5-10 min. After completion of this procedure, the patient can resume normal activities.
Who can all benefit from IUI?
IUI can help in the cases where a man has sperm issues such as low sperm count, poor motility, etc. it is also recommended to those who have the problem of:
- Erectile dysfunction
- Vaginismus
- Premature ejaculation
- Unexplained infertility
- Mild-to-moderate male factor
- HIV serodiscordant couple
- Minimal-to-mild endometriosis
- Anovulatory infertility
- Unilateral tubal disease’
- Mild endometriosis
When is the best time to do insemination?
While the fertility doctors will be monitoring your body’s response to the medications throughout the cycle and watches you closely to predict ovulation. Approximately 36 hours before your scheduled insemination, you have to take a trigger shot/injection of HCG ( )to trigger ovulation. In cases where ovulation is induced by using fertility drugs, the IUI is carried out between 24-48 hours after the trigger injection. And ideally, IUI needs to be performed within 6 hours on either side of ovulation.
To have a single IUI then the typical timing would be at about 36 hours post-hCG, and if 2 IUIs are scheduled then they are generally spaced at least 12 hours apart between 24-48 hours after hCG.
How many IUI cycles need to be done and is there any benefit of going for a second IUI?
Double IUI is generally not recommended as it increases the psychological burden as well as the cost to the couple without increasing the conception rates. In infertile couples with an indication for IUI at least 3 consecutive cycles can be performed. However, there is no sufficient evidence to recommend a specific maximum number of IUI treatment cycles.Double IUI is generally not recommended as it increases the psychological burden as well as the cost to the couple without increasing the conception rates. In infertile couples with an indication for IUI at least 3 consecutive cycles can be performed. However, there is no sufficient evidence to recommend a specific maximum number of IUI treatment cycles.
Which Factors can control the success rates of IUI?
IUI success rates considerably vary and depend on various factors like:
- Woman’s age
- Type of ovarian stimulation drugs used
- Duration of infertility
- Cause of infertility
- The number of quality of motile sperms.
How soon after an IUI one can have intercourse?
Generally, patients can have intercourse after an IUI, this is suggested by most doctors because to help make sure that the patient’s ovulation is covered. Some doctors may even suggest 48-hours waiting to resume relations if a tenaculum instrument is used or if there is bleeding during the IUI.
How Effective is IUI? Does It Hurt?
The success rates in IUI treatment have grown from 5% to 20% per cycle with the latest advancements in stimulation protocols, cycle monitoring, ovulation timing, semen preparation methods & luteal phase support.
The patient may feel mild discomfort when the catheter is inserted into the uterus passing through the cervix. But most women don’t find the IUI procedure painful as it only takes several minutes.
Is bleeding common after IUI?
Bleeding does not usually happen, but it is not uncommon, especially if there is a problem while carrying out the IUI procedure. Some patients also have light bleeding with ovulation.
How long do we have to wait to know if implantation has occurred after IUI?
Implantation usually takes place approximately 2 weeks after a well-timed IUI. A pregnancy test needs to be performed after missing your period will indicate that the IUI cycle has been successful.
Want to know more about IUI and other fertility treatments? MotherToBE fertility center in Hyderabad guides, supports, and helps to accomplish your parenthood dreams through various holistic fertility treatments.
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