What is “Laser Assisted Hatching” or LAH?

Failed IVF’s and unexplained causes of subfertility are rather hard on the couple who have been trying hard to have a baby for a while. In some of the cases, the fertility specialist may recommend “Laser Assisted Hatching” or “LAH” a technique to hatch the embryo.
Under normal circumstances, an embryo breaks out of an eggshell called “Zona Pellucida” after which the embryo implants itself on to the uterine wall. In certain cases, the egg cannot hatch and implant. LAH there is a technique that assists the embryo to hatch out and implant to the uterine lining thus increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy. The LAH thus improves the chemical communication between the implanting embryo and the endometrium.
The procedure essentially involves, making a small hole in the shell or the outer tough layer with the help of a laser and this facilitates the embryo to come out of the zona pellucida. The LAH procedure is done while the embryos are in the lab and then implanted into the uterus. The entire procedure is completed in a few milliseconds. The laser beam is focused on the zona pellucida to thin it down to around 10 microns. This thinning in the zona pellucida helps the embryo to escape.
The LAH proves most beneficial and is recommended when
- When the Zona Pellucida is perceived to be thick or a hard eggshell (zona pellucida).
- The procedure is recommended for women over the age of 40.
- Cases when the embryos have been frozen.
- More than two failed IVF attempts.
- When the embryo quality is poor.
- When certain women have been detected with a high Follicle Stimulating Hormone levels. (Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is an important part of the reproductive system. It’s responsible for the growth of ovarian follicles.)
The LAH is a simple, fast and safe method of hatching as compared to other procedures. With the assistance of precision machinery, the accuracy is high as the laser is pre-programmed. LAH also improves the pregnancy rates with other procedures that of IVF, ICSI or IMSI as well.
Refer to a fertility specialist to understand if you need LAH as well for assistance in improving the success rates of IVF. Find out more about the procedure and clinics and choose carefully. Ask your specialists questions about whether you will benefit from the procedure.
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