What is the Best Age to Get Pregnant?

Today, couples across the globe are open to using contraception which means that they have more control over when they wish to start their family. That said, normal conception may not always be on the cards as couples start to mature in age.
Being on the wrong side of 35 can impact the couple’s fertility. It can also increase the risk of multiple pregnancy related complications. However, with the widespread availability of reproductive technologies, this too can be treated.
We understand that the decision to start a family depends on a number of factors. This not only involves your age but also the readiness to be a parent. Just because you’re over 30 or 40 doesn’t mean you cannot have a healthy baby.
However, is there a ‘best or an ideal age’ to get pregnant? Let’s learn more about getting pregnant at different life stages.
If you are in your 20s
Women are at their most fertile in their 20s with the highest number of good quality eggs. Data suggests that the odds of conceiving with only 3 months of continuous trying is just under 20% if you are in your mid-20s.
Hence, these years are some of the best to get pregnant. Moreover, pregnancy risks and complications are at their lowest.
If you are in your 30s
As your cross the 30 threshold, your fertility gradually begins to decline. This typically starts when you reach 32 years of age. As your push towards 35, the decline in fertility tends to fast track.
While women are born with about a million eggs, the numbers start to drop in their 30s. By the time you are about 37 – 38 years of age, you may be left with only about 25,000 of them. In your mid-30s, the odds of conceiving naturally hovers around 12%. There is a greater risk of genetic abnormalities and miscarriages post 35. You may even encounter complications during your pregnancy or through delivery when you decide to have a baby late in your life. Your healthcare provider may recommend
You have the option to take the help of assisted reproductive technologies to get pregnant. However, it may be not able to completely make up for any fertility issues that are age related.
In-vitro fertilisation or IVF is certainly another option that your fertility specialist may recommend. This involves treatment via drugs that help to stimulate egg production.
That said, the chances of getting pregnant even with assisted reproductive techniques declines with age. Hence, you may have to consider healthy donor eggs which have a greater chance of fertilising with your partner’s sperm. Once fertilised, the embryo can be transferred to the woman’s uterus.
How can Freezing Your Eggs Help?
If you are absolutely sure that you do not wish to start a family any time soon, then you may want to consider freezing your eggs. This should be ideally done when you are in your peak reproductive years.
The first step to freezing your eggs is to take hormones that will stimulate your egg production. The eggs will then be retrieved and then cryopreserved for future use.
Theoretically, eggs can stay frozen for several years. You just need to thaw them and inject them with sperm to initiate the fertilisation process. When they achieve the embryonic stage, the embryo will be implanted in the uterus.
Having said that, freezing your eggs does not guarantee that you will achieve pregnancy. When you are in your late 30s or early 40s, conception, even with younger eggs can be hard. However, you can at least ensure that you have a ready source of healthy eggs available to use when you are ready to start your family.
Does Male fertility Play a Role?
Just like a woman, a man’s fertility too declines with age. For men, this generally starts when they are in their 40s. This results in a lower semen volume and subsequently a poor sperm count. Moreover, the sperm is not able to swim well and the chances of it reaching the egg reduce drastically.
Sperm from older men have a higher risk of passing on genetic abnormalities to their offspring. Older men will take longer to get their partner pregnant. There also lies an increased risk of miscarriage in these cases irrespective of the female partner’s age.
When To Get Help?
If you have been trying to get pregnant for a while and have not had any luck, then maybe it is a good time to speak to a fertility specialist. Feel free to schedule an appointment with Dr Vyjayanthi, Clinician in Charge at MotherToBe, a top fertility centre in Hyderabad. During the consultation, we will discuss your personal struggles with getting pregnant whilst evaluating you as a candidate for fertility treatment.
If you live in and around Hyderabad and are keen to know more about IVF treatments, be sure to contact MotherToBe’s team of fertility specialists who can ensure that your dream of starting your family can soon become a reality.