When should you seek out a Fertility Specialist?

When trying to have a baby, we fathom that time will move slow for you…trying to wait and see each month if you are indeed pregnant. And while we believe that if there is any doubt you should seek out a specialist, we hope this guide will help you understand and check if there are any fertility problems and when should you seek out a Fertility specialist.
It’s been a year
Yes, a year, believe it not it can take up to a year for a couple to get pregnant. But do note the women in this situation would be below the 35 years of age. While the specialists recommend women to have a child in their 20’s or early 30’s, it still takes up to a year 85% of couples will be successful at the end of the year, with 50% of couples will get pregnant within 6 months.
So, if you have been trying for a year, seek out a fertility specialist.
You are over 35
After 35, the chances of conceiving start dipping impacting not just the quantity but also the quality of eggs. It is, therefore, better to seek out a specialist and not waste even a moment, if you are planning to have a baby. And especially if you are over 40, the conception of a baby can be difficult and we strongly advise you first seek out a specialist and plan.
Irregular Periods?
Irregular menstrual cycle, an absence of periods for a time, or pelvic pains could be an indication that you have an undiagnosed fertility issue. They could also suggest problems with ovulation or previous issues such an endometriosis or any surgery on the ovaries, all these issues need immediate attention and you should visit a specialist immediately.
Any other medical condition?
If there are certain medical conditions such as Thyroid, hypertension, diabetes, heart or kidney disease, it is ideal they seek out a fertility specialist sooner to discuss and plan for a safe pregnancy.
It is also good to monitor when your mother went into menopause, an early menopause may be an indicator that your fertility may also decline at an earlier, in such case, it will be wise to consult your doctor. And, if you are a cancer survivor, see a fertility specialist to have a healthy and safe pregnancy. The simple take away here with such medical condition, that with proper consultations and care, your chances of a healthy pregnancy improves, and both you and your child are healthy.
You’ve had multiple miscarriages
If you have been trying but have had a miscarriage or two OR you may be showing positive pregnancy tests – both these situations also need medical help, and we recommend that you seek out a specialist immediately and get a diagnosis.
We hope this helps, and if this article makes you think you need to book an appointment with us, please do so now here – Book Appointment.
Dr. S Vyjayanthi is an eminent Fertility specialist with more than 15 years’ experience in the field of Fertility and has performed more than 5000 cycles of IVF. Having attained her specialisation in UK, she returned to India in 2009, and since then has earned the reputation as one of the foremost Fertility centers of excellence in the country.
For more questions email us or book an appointment for a consult.