Q1. What is the age criterion for donor selection?
Ideally, we prefer donors between the ages of 23 and 29.

Q2. What are the screening criteria for donors?
We strictly adhere to the guidelines set by the ART law 2022. Donors undergo a
comprehensive evaluation, including a detailed medical and family history
assessment, as well as blood tests to assess their physical fitness and screen
for infectious diseases such as HIV, HbsAg, HCV, and VDRL.

Q3. Can we bring our own donor?
Yes you can bring your own donor and if they fit criteria for donor and are
medically fit they can be recruited.

Q4. Can we choose a donor based on our preferences?
The availability of altruistic donors are limited and hence it is not always possible
to meet the requirements though we try to do our best.

Q5. Are the donors married?
We select donors who are married and have at least one living child to ensure
their reproductive capability.

Q6. How many eggs are typically targeted in a donor egg program?
On average, we aim to retrieve 7 eggs from a donor during the egg donation cycle
as per new ART law 2022.